Daniel Serrano

Automation, Development & Processes Coordinator
TTI Algeciras

Daniel Serrano works as Automation, Development & Processes Coordinator at TOTAL TERMINAL INTERNATIONAL ALGECIRAS. TTI ALGECIRAS, sited in the Strait of Gibraltar, is the first Automated Terminal in the Mediterranean Sea. Daniel has played several positions ranging widely from Operation Department working at real time cargo operations to IT Department being the Automation Responsible. Daniel holds an MSc degree in Computer Science (University of Malaga, Spain) and a Master degree in Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering (University of Malaga, Spain). Daniel has been a member of the cybersecurity research group of University of Malaga for five years, during this time he has been technical leader of several VI and VII EU Framework projects about information security and ambient intelligence: SERENITY, OKKAM, and GST. Daniel has sixteen publications in international conferences, and seven book chapters. Currently, Daniel is working as part of the team developing the BigData and TIC4.0 project at TTI ALGECIRAS. Daniel is passionated about technology, efficiency and port operations.